1:1 Intuitive Alignment Coaching
A 60 minute 1:1 session designed to guide and support you to shift from ego and fear to soul-led living. Each session begins with a grounding meditation, followed by intuitive guidance and support to explore limiting beliefs, patterns, and inner obstacles. You will leave with personalized reflections and follow-up practices to continue your journey into alignment.
1:1 Intuitive Alignment Coaching
Pre-session intention setting (via a short intake form at booking).
Hosted via Zoom
Guided meditation to ground, center, as Natassia connects into the heart space.
Intuitive guidance and support to explore and discuss challenges, beliefs, and blocks guided by the foundation of SPACE.
S- Soul
P- Purpose
A- Acceptance
C- Connection
E- Expansion
Follow up support with a personalized recorded meditation created by Natassia that will be sent to you via email.