Unlocking the Magic of the Pause
I’m Natassia, an everyday girl with a deep desire for meaningful connection with self, soul and body. Through meditation, I’ve learned we have the ability to deeply connect back with our truth and higher Self.
Unlock the Magic of the Pause
The following are common themes you will see throughout my site based on my experiences. These may sparks ways we connect or learn from each other.
There is a beautiful gift waiting for us when we confront our fears and get curious about the stories we hold as our absolute truths. Through intentional stillness, we offer ourselves the opportunity to reconnect with our true Self.
Grief is a tender experience that can open us up to deep healing and growth. It is a journey where compassion for ourselves and those affected guides us through moments of sorrow, leading us to hope and renewal.
A role and journey of immense strength and resiliency, where every day is a true testament to courage and love. Through navigating parenting challenges with grace for ourselves and embracing the joys of raising little humans independently, we get witness the light within.